Ahhh Writer’s Block.

It’s inescapable and seems to hit at the worst times. First, I’d like to offer my sympathies. I’ve been there. Done that. Did not buy the t-shirt because it’s not something I like to remember – or dwell on. As a Content Marketing expert, I know the importance of having a solid (but flexible!) content marketing strategy and content calendar. BUT I also know that things happen – sometimes actually doing your job gets in the way of creating content for your company. Sometimes the post that you planned just doesn’t fit with the current vibe of your business or the world at large. And that’s okay! That’s where flexibility comes in.

For those moments when you’re sitting down to write but don’t know what to write, here are 3 blog post topics that can be repurposed to fit just about any business objective.

1. Quick & Dirty FAQs

There’s no better way to talk about your business than to … talk about it! Come up with a list of 5 or 10 frequently asked questions about your business and create a quick FAQ. You don’t want to give away your secret sauce in your answers, but give your audience enough information to reinforce the idea that you/your business are at the top of your field.

2. A Pro/Con Article

As a business owner, your job is to provide a solution to someone else’s problem. Take a look at the services or products you provide and consider a prospective client’s questions or objectives to it. Then create a pro/con article discussing the fabulous features of your product or service, and [gently!] rebutting any objections that may arise. Pro Tip: The goal with any good Pro/Con list is to always end on a positive.

3. Create A Checklist

A checklist post doesn’t have to specifically be about your products or services – it could be something related to your industry. For example, a florist might create a checklist of seasonal tasks to complete in a garden to ensure a healthy crop the next season/year. Or a plumber might write a post about properly winterizing a home.

With all of that said, a solid content strategy helps alleviate the pain of writer’s block because it gives you a jumping-off point for just about anything. Your strategy – when fully fleshed out – will contain content clusters, pillar pages, and blog post topics that can be swapped around – or added to – with ease.

To learn more about creating a solid content marketing strategy – including how social media and downloadable offers play a part – let’s chat!